Vestas Sit-In: ‘Seize The Day’ Video of Friday

Vestas Sit-In: 'Seize The Day' Video of FridayWe’ve just found a video created by the band Seize the Day, who were also at the Vestas march on Friday.

It’s a well-cut piece giving a slice of the evening, including talks and chats with some of the children there.

By coincidence on Friday we chatted to Theo Simon, the lead vocalist of Seize the Day, who came across as a lovely bloke, really concerned about what was going on.

The songs that Seize the Day performed really lifted the supporters.

The video closes with the message

“Take the Vestas factories into public ownership and take charge of our transition to renewable energy.”

Take a look at the Save Vestas Web site too, it’s got lots of good news on it.

Seize the Day

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