Who Is Responsible For Clearing Ventnor Haven?

Harbourmaster Contract to Be Scrutinised by VTCAt the Ventnor Town Council meeting last Monday evening, Cllr Robinson raised an issue that has been on many peoples minds (or up their noses) over the past few weeks.

We’re all aware of the problem of the smell coming from the Haven on low tide. For the benefit of those reading this who are concerned with the water quality, rest assured that the Blue Flag would not have been awarded again this year unless the water quality on the beach had passed stringent tests.

Theories we’ve heard before on the smell seem to point in the direction of rotting seaweed that enters the haven, but due to the design of the area, is not able to escape.

According to Operations Harbourmaster, Damieon Phillips, a trench has formed under the fishery and that is where the rotting seaweed is now collecting.

Confusion: Cheetah Marine no longer responsible?
Cllr Lucas, who sits on the Beach Environment Forum, stated that this was an issue that he had raised regularly at the Forum, but had been informed that the obligation to clean out the Haven had somehow now fallen outside Cheetah Marine’s Harbourmaster contract.

He went on to say that although Cheetah Marine don’t have an obligation to remove the seaweed anymore, they have continued to do so and just a few weeks ago, removed over 100 tons of seaweed from the Haven.

However, Cllr Lucas told the meeting that subsequently, IWC Coastal Manager, Peter Marsden, had informed Cllr Lucas that Cheetah Marine should be clearing the seaweed. Cllr Lucas since contacted Mr Strevens from Cheetah Marine who told him that ‘they were working on it.’

Cllr Lucas continued by stating that it was clear that designers of the Haven hadn’t provided for the danger of seaweed collecting and not being able to escape. Hence the problem we are experiencing once again.

No to composting
As readers may remember a previous clear out operation last year resulted in around 30 tons of seaweed being removed for the purpose of composting.

Cllr Mew told the TC that he’d recently spoken to the local farmer who took the bulk of the seaweed, Mr Cory, who stated that he was not interested in receiving any more seaweed because it was contaminated with sand and too long and arduous to clean before use.

Contract to be scrutinised
As the Harbourmaster’s contract is between IWC (rather than TC) and Cheetah Marine, Cllr Welsford agreed to take matter forward at County level.

Cllr Robinson suggested it would be a good idea to invite Mr Phillips to the next Town Council meeting to discuss the issue.

In order to clarify what responsibilities fall within the Harbourmaster’s contract, a copy of the contract has been requested to be presented to the next Town Council meeting on 13th July.

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