Yarmouth Village Green

Yarmouth residents fight for Village Green status for ‘Rec’

This Friday members of the Appeals Sub Committee will be considering the proposed registration of land at Yarmouth Recreation Ground, ‘The Rec’ Yarmouth, as a Town or Village Green.

A report prepared for the committee states

Evidence for and against has been submitted by applicant and objectors and, in considering the evidence, it is thought that not all the land requested to be a village green fulfils the necessary four tests, and therefore only part of the land should be registered as a village green.

The bulk of the land is being recommended for approval as a Village Green, but the small area occupied by the changing rooms, is not.

Application in 2009
The application to register the land as a Village Green was made by Yarmouth resident Peter Scott. The application was made way back in 2009, but as the paperwork reveals,

There is no statutory timescale for determining village green applications as such there may be some delay between submission and determination, this is due to the fact that applications are only worked on when resources allow.

Land owned by the Yarmouth Town Trust
The papers give a brief history of the land, showing that the Title Absolute is with Trustees of the Yarmouth Town Trust namely, David Kennett, Ian Dallinson, Bernard Tucker and Michael Hardy Hammond.

The ownership of the land was passed to the Yarmouth Town Trust under a Scheme (Exhibit LR3 in the Yarmouth Town Trust objection, in Appendix F) in 1890. In 1835 the land had been leased to the Squires family for a period of 99 years to 1934. In 1931 the last 3 years of that lease was acquired with public subscription for use by the public. The Town Trust had leased the land, in a series of leases since 1958, to Yarmouth Town Council, who further licence the land to Calbourne & Yarmouth Football Club.

It appears from the paperwork (embedded below for your convenience) that the Yarmouth Town Trust (YTT) are objecting to the land being registered as a Village Green, arguing that the YTT gives permission for the land to be used and that it’s not ‘a right’.

However, documentation supporting the application reveals that residents believed they had a right to use the land, rather than only being given permission to use it.

The three members of the Appeal Sub-Committee, Cllrs Richard, Stewart and Fuller will have to decide whether there is sufficient to determine the application and act accordingly.

Summary of objectors to Yarmouth Rec as a town or village green – Sept.2013

Summary of supporters to Yarmouth Rec as a town or village green – Sept.2013