Some of the former Frank James owners in liquidation

At last night’s Full Council meeting, the Cabinet report from Cllr Jonathan Bacon provided an update on the future of the former Frank James Hospital in East Cowes.

As readers will remember, we’d previously been informed of ‘complex ownership issues’. In Cllr Bacon’s report to members, the ‘complex ownership issues’ are made clearer.

He explains

“Complex issues have been identified arising out the fact that previous owners have gone into liquidation.”

Meetings are ongoing
This could throw up all manner of difficulties for the council taking action or even for the site being sold on.

Cllr Bacon goes on to say that meetings are ongoing to try and identify viable options and a further meeting between officers and members has been arranged to consider the ownership implications and what, if any, action the council can take.

Frank James Open Day
At last night’s meeting, Tanja Rebel, one of the leading campaigners from the Friends of Frank James invited all councillors to attend this Sunday’s unofficial Open Day.

The event takes place between 10am-4pm at the former Frank James Memorial Hospital in Adelaide Grove in East Cowes.

Image: © Joshua Aitkin