The majority of services provided by Isle of Wight NHS Trust are commissioned and funded by Isle of Wight Integrated Care Board, NHS England and Isle of Wight Council.
Below are articles mentioning the Isle of Wight NHS Trust.
From fuel poverty and excess winter deaths to social and digital isolation — the health and social care services are ‘struggling’ to deliver what is needed on the Isle of Wight.
Two incidents were reported to the Health and Safety Executive during August and September, both resulting in affected staff members unable to work for more than a week
Christine says the mood among the packed audience was one of disbelief, dismay, shock, anger and sadness after the screening and talk about the abolition of the NHS.
'We are committed to providing that high-quality care that you seek to meet the needs of your people across the Island,' says Parliamentary Under-Secretary in debate
The Orthotics team at St. Mary’s Hospital have been praised for their commitment, innovation, skill and care in coming up with a solution to enable Janet Ward to regain a better quality of life.
Dr Bob Gill and Dr Paul Hobday will be visiting the Isle of Wight to host a film screening of '$ell-Off – The Abolition Of Our NHS' and to promote the recent publication of 'The Deceit Syndrome'.
The ward was refurbished to the tune of £200,000 earlier this year after being deemed 'not fit for purpose' by the CQC. Now the NHS say the ward won't reopen.
One patient, who has a history of being suicidal, says she hasn't been seen by a consultant psychiatrist for nearly a year and has had two appointments cancelled by the service. The NHS respond.
The new CCG Managing Director wants to build on partnership working with the Isle of Wight Council and IW NHS Trust – as well as third sector and voluntary organisations – "to deliver the best health and care service for Island residents".