The majority of services provided by Isle of Wight NHS Trust are commissioned and funded by Isle of Wight Integrated Care Board, NHS England and Isle of Wight Council.
Below are articles mentioning the Isle of Wight NHS Trust.
The Isle of Wight NHS Trust is now on track to end the year with a deficit of £30 million, with agency spend at £9.1m, double the recommended NHS ceiling.
Free parking during times when lengthy queues build up is just one of the steps being taken by Isle of Wight NHS to help alleviate the pressure of parking on the hospital grounds.
Isle of Wight GPs will not be permitted to write longer prescriptions for patients in the event of a no deal Brexit and patients are being advised not to 'store additional medicines at home'.
Funding for the posts is part of NHS England’s programme of work to ensure patients have better local access to a range of highly-trained health professionals for their needs.
Staff from all areas of the Isle of Wight NHS came together last week to hear how leaving the EU will affect them and what they need to do to secure their rights and gain settlement status in the UK.
The Isle of Wight NHS Trust will pay the government fees and offer support through the application process for their EU staff who wish to remain settled in the UK post-Brexit.
The service manager for the Early Intervention Psychosis service stresses how important it is to get help as soon as you have your first psychotic episode. The newly improved premises in Orchard Street is more convenient and will meets the needs of those using the service.
The new Director joins at a critical time. Her range of experience will be important as the Trust moves forward to ensure that all patients on the Isle of Wight get the best possible care.