The majority of services provided by Isle of Wight NHS Trust are commissioned and funded by Isle of Wight Integrated Care Board, NHS England and Isle of Wight Council.
Below are articles mentioning the Isle of Wight NHS Trust.
Well done to all those involved in the delivery of the 111 service which the CQC found to be 'Good'. The Urgent Care Service was responsive and staff caring but CQC felt safety and leadership 'Requires Improvement'.
The Group say if planned STP is allowed to continue unchallenged, we could be witness to complete destruction of NHS as we know it. Islanders are invited to join the group to find out more.
The Isle of Wight NHS Trust has appointed an interim Chief Executive following the sudden departure of Karen Baker last month. Maggie Oldham has a wealth of NHS experience, including mergers between neighbouring Trusts.
Action needs to be taken now to protect NHS services on the Isle of Wight - including the hospital - say residents who are leading a campaign to 'Defend the NHS'.
The CQC find multiple failures during their inspection. They criticise the leadership of the Isle of Wight NHS Trust and recommend it is placed in Special Measures.
CQC Inspectors found that despite the pressures, staff were dedicated and committed to patient care. The leadership was found to be 'Inadequate'. They have recommended the Trust be place in Special Measures.
Healthwatch Isle of Wight say other Trusts around the country who face similar problems are able to deliver better quality services and note that issues raised in the 2014 CQC inspection are still a problem.
The Isle of Wight NHS Trust say they "have to ensure that we improve leadership throughout the organisation from board level through to service level".