Altering The Bay Primary to deliver provision up to 16 is a step closer. The council also reveal that only 34 people responded to the public consultation about changes to secondary education in Sandown.
Parents of children in West Wight primary schools have been anxiously waiting for today's officers' recommendations. The decision will be made behind closed doors.
The average A-level grade has improved to a C from a C- last year – and the average points score derived from the grades students have achieved has gone up significantly from 25.7 to 29.3.
Cllr Medland has called into question the process of how the Isle of Wight council proposed to close All Saints' Primary School in Freshwater. He said the "policy is riddled with contradictions", with "no central strategic sense or awareness of the role of public services".
Subject to agreement from Hampshire County Council, the five agreement will be renewed that will see children's safeguarding and education led by the Hampshire officers.
The Police and Crime Commissioner has been invited to visit the Bay area to meet with local people and discuss the crime and anti-social behaviour problems blighting the town.