After being rated Inadequate by Ofsted in 2012 the government insisted IWC partner with another authority's Children's Services and after teaming up with Hampshire, five year's later the IWC's social care service is now rated as Good.
Thanks to a motion by Cllr Michael Lilley, the Isle of Wight the council unanimously voted to prioritise funding to reduce child poverty ‘significantly’ over the next five years.
Forecasting a drop in young children living in the West Wight, council officers are presenting a report to the responsible Cabinet member requesting a primary school closure.
It was recently discovered that hedges, flora and fauna had been totally cleared from an area near Scotchells Brook, Lake. It's been confirmed the clearance was unauthorised.
Councillors debated and voted on next year's budget, which sees £5.5m of cuts/savings to public services including a 2.99 per cent increase to Council Tax, £1 overnight parking across the Island and 5% increase in crematorium and cemetery charges.
As the consultation on the closure of All Saints Primary School begins, Cllr Paul Brading says he's "got to look at the education standards in the West Wight, as well as geographical viability with falling numbers"
Cllr Medland has called into question the process of how the Isle of Wight council proposed to close All Saints' Primary School in Freshwater. He said the "policy is riddled with contradictions", with "no central strategic sense or awareness of the role of public services".
Passionate parents create video of a West Wight school to show Councillors how much would be lost if the school was closed. 'Why take the heart of a community out?' they ask.
The mood of the meeting was anger and disbelief, with huge cheers and rounds of applause for those who stood up to speak and question the decision by Isle of Wight council officers to focus on the future of one school only.