The guidance comes as charities nationally warn of an increased risk of harm, neglect and online abuse faced by vulnerable children amid the UK-wide lockdown due to the pandemic
Workers critical to the Covid-19 effort such as nurses and doctors will be able to carry on their important work safe in the knowledge their children are properly supervised and cared for
A further estimated £12 million is set to be spent on the Isle of Wight in coming years through the government's Priority Schools Building Programme (PSBP)
The junior minister said she was pleased to read about "the clear commitment of local leaders to improving services for children and young people with SEND" on the Isle of Wight
The aim of the Adult and Community Learning Service is to encourage social, educational, economic and personal progression for individuals and families
Ofsted and the CQC say children and young people with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND) on the Isle of Wight are getting an improved deal
With vacancies on several committees, councillors have been criticised for not pulling their weight in the chamber. Meanwhile Reg Barry has been a councillor since 1993 and never missed a full council meeting
Paul Brading says the move "ensures a strong, sustainable and robust educational offer is provided and secures a multi-million pound capital investment opportunity"