Anna takes on 12-mile training swim for charity

Anna Wardley Five Islands

Today is just a practice for her final swim around the Isle of Wight in September as part of her ‘Five Island Swim Challenge‘, covering a total of 150 miles around five islands.

The training swim is less than a quarter of the 60-mile non-stop journey of her complete swim.

Anna started swimming at about 12:30pm and hopes to finish at around 5pm today.

Truly inspirational fund raising
Anna aims to raise £50,000 for charity, including the Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust.

So far Anna has raised £40,000 for the Samaritans, Sail Africa and the Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust with her swimming.

She is being sponsored by Navitus Bay, a renewable energy project joint venture between Eneco Wind UK Ltd and EDF Energy.

‘Five Island Swim Challenge’
After starting with a short seven miles around Dragonera in Mallorca last May and 13 miles around Portsea, Portsmouth within 12 hours last June, Anna will swim a further 71 miles around the islands of Jersey and Tiree this year. Then she will take on the marathon challenge of swimming 60 miles around the Isle of Wight.

She said:

“It is so exciting to be back in the Solent in preparation for the swim around the Isle of Wight after my 41-mile swim around Jersey.

“This is the beginning of a series of training swims I will be completing later this year.”

The fourth to swim around the Island
We understand that three people have swum around the Island before, two men and one woman, the last time it was successfully completed was 29 years ago in 1984.

However, inspirational Anna expects to become the first person to row, sail and swim around the Isle of Wight.

To donate to Anna please visit her Five Island Swim Challenge Website.