Wightlink’s £45million investment in the Portsmouth-Fishbourne route reaches another milestone as first cars use the new upper and lower ramps at both terminals.
Wightlink managers have doubled the value of the award after the crew asked the ferry company to donate their Extra Mile Award to the British Heart Foundation in memory of a passenger.
At the end of a three week break on the Island organised by the charity, Island Hosts, the children from Chernobyl enjoyed a visit to the Bridge of the Wightlink ferry.
The decision to change their smoking policy has been taken following the fire on an outside deck of the Portsmouth-Fishbourne car ferry St Faith in January 2017.
A firefighter from Sandown has been praised for stepping in and helping when a fellow passenger collapsed with heart pains. Wightlink has presented him with travel vouchers.
Wightlink say MoorMaster™ will cut their turnaround time on the Fishbourne route by three minutes to 15 minutes. It's a first in the UK for this innovative technology.