Morrisons in Lake have already built the 'garden centre' at their Lake store and are now applying for retrospective permission, but the local council recommend refusal
Campaigners say "beaming pulsed millimetre waves at people 24/7 without any chance of escape is a severe breach of human rights and constitutes technological trespass".
Caroline Sumeray has written to the Isle of Wight Council’s highways department to express concerns after a pensioner was knocked down and killed in Wootton High Street last summer.
NHS Trust said the number of serious incidents awaiting investigation was particularly high, because it was working to clear a backlog of old incidents.
Dame Stacey said the service had the essentials in place to deliver a good probation service and that senior leaders were ‘skilled, knowledgeable and energetic’, but that the quality of its work is at risk due to staff cuts.