Following university and travelling, Harriet felt a bit low and lost - taking on the Queen’s Guide Award and completing it three days before her 26th birthday has left her feeling fulfilled and proud of her achievement
There'll be another chance to see work by the late Sara Kouvaritakis in Ryde during September, with funds from the sale of artworks returning to the community.
Three teams of Guides and Rangers competed in the cook-off, cooking up some tasty and unusual dishes which guest chef, Bradley Roe said he'd be happy to pay £20 for in a restaurant.
On World Thinking Day Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and Rangers speak out about issues which affect them and their local community, fundraise for causes they care about and learn about other countries.
57,000 Girlguiding members plan to attend mass screenings at the 130 ODEON cinemas across the UK but as there is no ODEON on the Island, The Commodore came up trumps.
Many Rainbows and Brownies will be delivering hand-made Christmas gifts to Island residents, whilst others have been singing or helping other charities.
Brownies from Shanklin and Wroxall enjoyed an afternoon at the panto recently, with the added excitement of meeting some of the cast members during the interval.