Floating Bridge 6 with boats in the background

Body-worn cameras for Cowes Floating Bridge staff

Floating Bridge staff will wear body cameras in an attempt to deter members of the public from abusing them.

Staff on the troubled Cowes to East Cowes crossing will join other council officers, including the civil enforcement team, in wearing the form of CCTV.

IWC: A reminder to treat our staff with respect
A council spokesperson said it was felt that,

“Owing to the standard of behaviour of some members of the public, it might deter them from verbal abuse and act as a reminder to treat our staff with respect.”

The vessel also has late night trips, finishing just after midnight, for those travelling between towns after a night out.

No budget or start date
The cameras are units already owned by the council’s commercial services department and no specific amount of money was required to provide them for the Floating Bridge team.

No date has yet been set for the roll out of the cameras to the staff.

This article is from the BBC’s LDRS (Local Democracy Reporter Service) scheme, which News OnTheWight is part of. Read here to find about more about how that scheme works on the Island. Some alterations and additions may have been made by News OnTheWight. Ed

Image: © Les Lockhart