Brighstone Conservation Area May Expand

There’s a proposal to expand the Brighstone conservation area – originally designated in December 1969 – to include parts of Brook, Freshwater Bay, Hulverstone and Mottistone.

Brighstone Conservation Area May ExpandThe decision will be made by Cllr George Brown under a deligated decision following a public consultation was held by IW council between 31 July – 25 September.

The new areas each have their own designated zones, which are detailed below …

  • Brook Conservation Area has five character areas: St Mary’s Church, the earliest surviving development in the area; Brook House, which includes the historic house and grounds; the linear development of Brook Village; the coastal development of Brook Green; and the isolated Coastguard Cottages.
  • Freshwater Bay Conservation Area has been characterised as having three distinct character areas: The Gate, a beautiful coastal landscape; Easton, a quiet Victorian residential area; and Afton, an elegant Edwardian development set within a rural landscape.
  • Hulverstone is one character area, a tightly enclosed hamlet at the base of the Downs.
  • Mottistone is also one character area and also a hamlet at the base of the downs, which is centred on the medieval manor of Mottistone and the church of St. Peter and St. Paul.

Have a read through for yourself in the council paperwork.

image: lostajy under CC BY 2.0