Cllr David Pugh Wants To Diminish Public Consultations

VentnorBlog has discovered that there’s an intention to make significant changes to the way that Islanders and Isle of Wight Town and Parish Councils will be involved in process of making decisions about the future of the Island.

David Pugh Wants To Diminish Public ConsultationsIn a letter dated 5th November, sent to VentnorBlog by a number of concerned Islanders, Isle of Wight council leader David Pugh outlines that the ruling Conservative party want to make changes to the Island’s Constitution, specifically its Consultation Protocol.

The Consultation Protocol, which has been in place since 1995, currently states, “Where a Parish or Town Council is consulted, a clear consultation period will be given and this will not normally be less than 6 weeks.”

Cllr Pugh wants changes
Citing the need for the council to make cuts, Cllr Pugh says, “Given the scale and speed by which we will need to consider, decide and implement changes, we feel that the detailed requirements set out in the existing protocol cannot be met – if we are to deliver the savings required and in doing so ensure we protect services for the most vulnerable residents.”

Cllr Pugh prefaces this, “I have always been keen to stress that there is no prescribed formula for how this relationship should work, and it should be an evolving one in which we recognise the differing roles and responsibilities of the different levels of local authorities.”

No specific consultation of Island Parish and Town Councils
Currently Island Parish and Town Councils are alerted to consultations relevant to their areas and provided, what the constitution defines as, “sufficient written information by the Isle of Wight Council to enable the local council to respond properly,” in “every case.”

An officer of the council, “will normally be available to explain direct to the Parish and Town Councils concerned the proposals so that any comments can be made with all the necessary information.”

Following this, if the local council, “wish for a meeting to discuss any matter arising out of the consultation, appropriate arrangements will be made by agreement.”

Once a decision has been made
Once a decision has been made by the IWC they, “in all cases inform the local council in writing of its decision following consultation and will, where necessary, explain why that decision is not in accord with the view of the local council.”

Finally, from the constitution, “Where, following consultation, the Isle of Wight Council changes the substance of a proposal, it shall consult the local council again in accordance with these procedures.”

Cllr Pugh wants to change to current situation so that, in his words, “In the future, we will no longer be sending an explicit notification to town and parish councils about consultations that will be taking place. Therefore when the Isle of Wight Council consults the public, towns and parishes should, if they wish, respond to the public consultation.”

It’s unclear how much of the current stages of consultation will be lost and we’ll be contacting Cllr Pugh to find out the detail. When we hear back from him, we’ll update this piece.

Less time for public consultation
Currently Islanders and the local councils are given around a period of “not normally” less than six weeks to read through the material, think about the changes and their potential impact, then compose their response to the council.

It appears from Cllr Pugh’s letter that this will be cut short, in his words, “It is also likely that the time scales for any consultation will be less than the six weeks set out in the existing protocol.”

Your view?
We’d like to hear the views of Islanders, whether they be ‘just’ member of the public or Parish and Town Councillors.

What do you think? Is it a good idea to have less consultation in a time of change? Do the circumstances override established protocol? Should these changes all have happened a long time ago?

Image: slickimages under CC BY 2.0