Debbie Andre - Cameron Palin - Jonathan Bacon

‘Don’t let voter apathy win the election’, Islanders urged to cast their vote on Thursday

A coalition of candidates from across the political spectrum, and independents, in tomorrow’s 2021 Isle of Wight council election urge Islanders to get out and vote to “elect a new Isle of Wight Council that is trustworthy and transparent and which can help transform the Island for the better”.

Debbie Andre, Independent candidate for Sandown North, said,

“Most of us are fed up with the old and tired Conservative council which has been run behind closed doors and has kept residents and businesses out of the decision-making process.

“There’s only so much you can blame on Covid. The Conservatives had been running things for nearly three years by the time the pandemic hit with little evidence of delivering their stated aims and promises.

“However, as we approach the election, candidates from various political groups, together with independents, are pledging to work together and have stated their commitment to work for the Island and its residents, rather than be guided by national partisan political interests, or allowing themselves to be subject to the control of Party officials and managers.”

Bacon: Use your vote and use it wisely
Jonathan Bacon, Our Island candidate for Brading and St Helens, said,

“It is now essential, more so than ever before, for you to use your vote and use it wisely, for change.

“The more people from across the Island who visit their polling station to vote on 6th May, the more chance we have of creating a new council that can represent the wishes of residents and take direction from the people it is supposed to represent.

“It only takes a few minutes of your time to make a change for the future, a better future for our Island, and a better future for all of us.”

Palin: Too much at stake for residents not to vote
Cameron Palin, Green Party candidate for Osborne, added,

“The Conservatives are starting to realise that they are losing this election and are now pinning their hopes on people not voting so that their small ‘core’ vote gives them victory. If you stay at home and don’t vote you risk allowing this to happen.

“If you haven’t used your postal vote yet you will need to post it promptly in order to arrive at County Hall by Thursday or you can simply take the completed forms to your local polling station on 6th May and hand them in there.

“This is an important election. There is too much at stake for residents not to vote so make sure you use your voice and your vote and help create a new Council where you will be fully represented.”

Andre: Apathy is the enemy of positive change
Debbie Andre concluded,

“Apathy is the enemy of positive change. Don’t let apathy win this election or we will all lose out.”