Drive To Survive Interview (Podcast)

Drive To SurviveHere’s an interview that we recorded last week with Katie, one of the people behind the Drive To Survive idea starting tomorrow.

The idea is show how much more traffic would be generated if pupils are forced to travel to a school located away from where they live.

If there is more traffic, then it’s not only the parents taking their children to school that will be affected, but anyone else using the Island roads at school start or picking up time.

We wished we had got this out earlier, but it’s taking us a lot longer to sort through the pile of audio that we’ve got (if you can have a digital pile that is), knocking around in our digital cupboards.

If you were generous, you might think that we did held it back because tomorrow is the start of the event.

Here’s a first for us, a telephone interview done with both sides recorded separately and joined together in an edit.

Obv, the ‘Today’ that is spoken about at the start of the recording is last week, about Wednesday-ish we think.

This should be an interesting experiment, and could possibly be the first time that those at the council get to really see what sort of impact the proposed changes will have on the roads.

See you on the road tomorrow! [audio:]

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