Tables and chairs in Garden

Get your garden ready for post-lockdown entertaining: Here’s how

Isle of Wight Interior Architect and Designer, Tanya Lippuner, has a wealth of experience in the world of design and has produced a great blog on how to get your garden ready for post-lockdown entertaining.

Now we are able to welcome family and friends into our gardens (two housesholds or the rule of six), you may well be looking at sprucing up your entertaining space, or even just changing things around for your own benefit.

Colour against white brings great contrast
Image: Kristina Paukshtite under CC BY 2.0

Tanya has got some great suggestions on how to make the most of your garden, some of which she has kindly shared with readers below.

Whether you’re looking to re-design your outside area with a complete overhaul, or just a freshen-up ready for the spring /summer months, these tips will help you to create your own garden oasis.

Sun mapping and layout
When designing your outside spaces, use the sun to guide you. Where does the sun fall accross different areas of your garden throughout the day?

Use this as a starting point, then decide how to develop each area; whether it be for entertaining or sunbathing you can determine whether you need sun or shade for these areas.

Find the sunny spots in the garden
Image: pom-angers under CC BY 2.0

Zone it out
Now you have understood what requirements you have and the sun path, you can then look at zoning the areas. If you have a natural recess in your garden use these to create a nook, this could be your reading area where you can take five minutes and hide from the kids!

If your garden is large enough, create different zones by introducing a hammock between two trees or a hanging chair, another area for a couple of chairs and a small round bistro table, and a cooking / BBQ seating and entertaining area.

You can zone these spaces easily using different type of flooring material, garden furniture, rugs, cushions, and lighting.

Light it up
Lighting will transform your area into a cosy and inviting space. There are many options available such as string lighting, festoon lights and an array of solar lights which is great if you have limited electric points outside.

Light up your garden for evening entertaining
Image: Philip Moore under CC BY 2.0

You can even wrap some lighting around a tree for an additional statement. Lets not forget about candles which creates an immediate intimate atmosphere.

Find out more
Tanya has lots more helpful advice on garden cooking, heating, sounds, colour and more.

Head over to her blog to read the full list of suggestions.

You can find out more by following Tanya (TML Creative) on Instagram, Facebook or by visiting her Website.

Main image: Tanny Do under CC BY 2.0