Members of the public opposing cuts to public services made their feelings clear at last night's full council meeting with these banners. OnTheWight hears the reaction from councillors and politicians.
Almost the entire council voted to reconsider the charges, after a petition of 3,851 signatures was put before last night’s full council meeting by Ryde town councillor, Karen Lucioni, including Cabinet members.
The Isle of Wight Council said no decision about the future of the service had been made, but users of the mental health day centres fear closure as part of the planned reconfiguration of the service.
A group of Islanders unhappy about proposed cuts to council services, such as the Local Area Co-ordinator Programme, the loss of fire service personnel and the potential end of the travel subsidy for patients attending mainland appointments, will be protesting outside County Hall.
Firefighters say that as a whole-time crew, workforce morale is at an all time low. They marked themselves as 'unavailable' on Saturday in protest at the seven crew whose contracts are being terminated at the end of the year.
Isle of Wight council are considering scrapping a scheme that helps fund cross-Solent travel for the most vulnerable Islanders receiving chemotherapy, radiotherapy or renal dialysis on the mainland . It will be a budget saving of £60,000 per annum.
Just weeks after Isle of Wight council Cabinet approved plans to revamp the Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Service and said there would be no redundancies. up to eight firefighters are given notice.
Last week Cllr Ian Ward confirmed to the IWC Cabinet that plans to charge for overnight on-street parking was 'a typo'. Today, nearly a full week later, the council are going back on that, saying the now DO plan to charge!
Cllr Love, who has survived cancer and understands first hand the financial struggle of receiving health care on the mainland believes the Conservative administration should "hang their heads in shame" over the Cross Solent Travel Scheme consultation.
The Newport and Carisbrooke Parish Council have joined forces with the Business Association to oppose plans to introduce parking charges in the Nodehill and Crocker Street area of the county town.
Cllr Clare Mosdell says the IWC have no legal duty to fund it and "in challenging times, we feel we should look at protecting the frontline services we are legally obliged to fund".