richard quigley and bob seely

Letter: People aren’t cross about cake, they’re angry about a law-breaking Prime Minister and his staff

News OnTheWight always welcomes a Letter to the Editor to share with our readers – unsurprisingly they don’t always reflect the views of this publication. If you have something you’d like to share, get in touch and of course, your considered comments are welcome below.

This from Richard Quigley, Labour Cllr Cowes North and IW Labour Chair. Ed

Following the painful to watch interview, in which Isle of Wight MP Bob Seely effectively told us that a Prime Minister should be able to lie to the electorate and we shouldn’t bat an eye lid, it comes as no surprise that he voted to keep Johnson in place

Island Deal part of election package
In his statement, he seeks to further defend his decision, saying that he has been assured that “ministers” will look again at the fair funding package for the Island.

That “package” was a central part of Bob’s election campaign in 2019. He told me again and again at the various hustings, that the PM had agreed to an Island deal (as he called it then) and all our troubles would be over.

We should just be grateful
Now either Bob is more naive than I first thought, or not telling the truth comes too easily to the entire Conservative Party. He thinks we ordinary people should just realise that sometimes, they have to say things to stay in power.

Even if they have no intention of keeping said promise, we should just be grateful.  

Would have happened regardless of Bob’s input
The other achievements Bob lists would all have happened regardless of his input, so it isn’t sufficient to keep repeating them, hoping that the hard working families on the Island that are currently panicking about their heating and food bills, take solace in his platitudes. They don’t.

We need real action for people on the Island, from an MP that cares about the Island more than his own career.

People aren’t cross about cake
What Bob doesn’t understand, is people aren’t cross about cake.

They are angry, because in or out of Covid, the PM and his staff broke the laws they set.

We deserve better
Bob has decided to align himself with a leader that believes he can still be a law maker despite being a law breaker. 

That isn’t a role model for future generations to aspire to. We deserve better.