Police Spotlights Falls on Scarborough Council?

Update: Having seen official paperwork from the North Yorkshire Police, we can confirm that as a result of a preliminary scoping enquiry, no criminal investigation was conducted against either Mr Rowell or Scarborough Council.

Derek RowellAnyone following the Undercliff Drive scandal may be interested to read further about a possible criminal investigation being taken against Scarborough Council.

Derek Rowell, who was allowed to resign from his post as Strategic Director for Economic Development and Regeneration on the Wight due to poor health, has his name pop up in the article too.

It relates to a question raised with the North Yorkshire Police by Filey-based campaigner Robert Dyson referring to the alleged conduct of Mr Rowell, the former technical services director at Scarborough Council, while in his new job on the Isle of Wight [see update above].

As we reported back in July this year, High-Point Rendel are being sued by Scarborough Council, with the backing of DEFRA, for the overspend by High-Point Rendel on their sea defences project.

Read the Yorkshire Post article in full
[Image courtesy of our long lost friends at Solent TV]