Popular Safer Driving Courses Return

This is a great idea, glad to see that it’s not limited to motorcycles. This in from the council, in their own words. Ed

Learner driverA driving course designed to give people more confidence behind the wheel returns in the New Year.

The Isle of Wight Council’s road safety unit is running another one of its popular six-week theory and practical combined better driving courses, designed to improve driving standards of people of all ages and levels of experience.

The course also includes tips for driving in winter conditions, particularly useful if people find themselves caught out in snowy conditions.

Be aware of bad habits
No matter what driving experience people have, bad driving habits are easily developed, often without people realising it.

If allowed to develop, these habits could, in certain situations become dangerous and put drivers and other road users at risk.

Research shows that driver error is the main cause of road traffic accidents. This course aims to help drivers become more confident, skilful and most importantly safer; minimising the risk of being involved in a collision.

Range of skills covered
A whole range of skills and techniques are covered during the course including car control, road positioning, cornering and bends, speed and safety and overtaking.

In just six weeks drivers will be given the opportunity to learn everything from predicting the road ahead to having the right driving attitude to be safer on the road.

Helping drivers become safer
Cllr Barry Abraham, Isle of Wight cabinet member for fire, culture and residents’ services, said: “As a council we are committed to reducing the level of road accidents on the Isle of Wight and this course is one of the ways we are helping drivers to become safer.”

The next course begins at Enterprise House in Newport on Tuesday 17 January 2012 between 7.30pm and 9.30pm and will continue at the same time for a further five weeks.

The course is run by road safety professionals and costs just £25 for the entire course including an assessment drive.

A similar course for motorcyclists starts on 15 March 2012, further details will be published nearer the time.

For details of both courses, contact Mervyn Goldring, road safety officer on 823099 ext 5196 or via email [email protected].

Image: Tejvanphotos under CC BY 2.0