Save Our Schools: Paul Critchley (podcast)

Paul CritchleyIn our final interview from the Save Our Schools march on Saturday, we spoke to Paul Critchley, a father of four who has been campaigning for an increase in standards in our schools for quite some time.

He’s relieved that “people have finally woken up to what council is up to” and “believes there is huge opposition for good reason.”

Paul feels that there must be ways around restructuring which will avoid closing smaller schools. He urges the council to look at the many examples around the UK and consider solutions that would be far less damaging on the Wight.

He reinforced comments made by others that the primary schools form core parts of our community and believes the council should also look at the schools role in the community. It’s his view that instead of pulling small schools out of rural areas, the council should look at regenerating these areas rather than developing the already built up areas.

Listen to the interview by clicking on the play button below. [audio:]

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