Lairies and Lairytales encourage children to push the boundaries of language and creativity by putting laughter back into learning. Find out more about this Kickstarter campaign by Isle of Wight author, Ali Lanning.
Local historian, writer and publisher, Elizabeth Hutchings, delivered possibly her last Richard Hutchings Memorial Lecture - the 25th since her late husband's passing. A fascinating event for all those who attended.
All are welcome to the official book launch of the Anonthology at Waterstones on Isle of Wight Day (Saturday 24th September) to celebrate the talent of local young writers and hear spoken word performances.
Science fiction meets romantic comedy, as office temp, Sally Sullivan, lands a contract in a particle physics laboratory. Debut novel by Islander Emily Baugh launches.
Children's author Claire Sells has recently sek-published The Amusing Adventures of Missy and Mr Bun. Available in venues across the Isle of Wight and online.
Ray Foulk, one of the organisers of the original Isle of Wight Festival will be opening a new exhibition about the Festival at Portsmouth Guildhall on 18th September. It coincides with the release of special edition memoirs about the early Festivals.
Congratulations to Isle of Wight writer and artist, Fran Heath, for following her ambitions and publishing her first novel. Pencil Lead is now out in paperback and eBook.
A Consultant Pathologist at St Mary's Hospital in Newport you'll discover what prompted Geoffrey Chaucer to write The Canterbury Tales and what became of him afterwards.
Great news for this Isle of Wight author, as her books become a success in Japan. The main character, Amy Wild, has become Mia Wight in honour of the Island where Diana Kimpton has lived for over 40 years.
The Amphitheatre is one of our favourite places at Bestival. There's always such a great variety of spoken word, comedy, theatre and downright silliness, all neatly tucked away under the canopy of the luscious forest.