Weekly Rubbish Collection: Will New Gov Funding Impact?

You probably heard on the National news that the Conservative party is planning to distribute an additional £250 million pounds to local councils, if they carry out weekly rubbish collections.

Rubbish binsVB wondered what effect this might have on plans announced in April by the Conservative-controlled Isle of Wight council to reduce collections.

VentnorBlog contacted Isle of Wight council leader David Pugh to ask him and he’s sent us the following reply.

Any potential new funding stream is to be welcomed. We will be looking closely at the Government’s proposals over the coming days, particularly once full details are made available to local authorities.

We will then be in an informed position to see how these proposals could complement our plans to retain weekly collections for food waste. If there is the opportunity for this additional funding to help us increase recycling, efficiency and the quality of the service then we will of course pursue it.

I will [be] at Party Conference from Monday to Wednesday next week so I will seek to gain a better understanding about these proposals whilst there.

Looking forward to further details after next week.

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