Green traffic light

Ventnor gets go ahead to take on four car parks

Last night (Thursday) the Isle of Wight council’s committee that deals with property disposals agreed to go ahead with a plan to lease several car parks in Ventnor to the Ventnor Town Council (VTC).

As reported in February, Ventnor town council sought take on the running of four car parks. It’s something the progressive town council has been working on since early 2013.

What’s included
The 23 year lease would see the VTC take on car parks in Dudley Rd, Market St, Pound Lane and Shore Rd, Bonchurch.

The move was considered a low-level of risk by the VTC, who said there’s plenty of scope to increase the capacity and use of the four car parks. Any income above the pre-agreed level will go to the VTC to support other community services.

Full details in the paper below. Click on the full screen icon to see larger version.

Image: tasuki/ under CC BY 2.0