it's a knockout

Teams sought for charity ‘It’s a Knockout’ event

Staff at the Children’s Ward at St Mary’s Hospital have just announced their big summer event for the ‘bring me sunshine appeal’ … It’s a Knockout!

Have a hilarious time on the wacky assault course of inflatables and foam and raise money for the Children’s Ward. Simply gather a team of ten people together you to compete.

There’ll be thrills and spills, but most of all laughter, as Sandown Rugby Club turns into a crazy assault course.

The event takes place on Saturday 1st and Sunday 2nd August between 12-5pm. There’ll also be a bar, BBQ and stalls to keep you fed and watered.

How to take part
You need to be at least 16 years old to complete.

The cost is £300 per team, with £100 deposit to secure your place, but you’ll need to be quick. There are only 48 teams available, so entry will be on a first come, first served basis.

Email [email protected] to register your interest and find out more.

Image: mdpettitt under CC BY 2.0