Advertising with VentnorBlog Works: Enchanted Manor

The award-winning Enchanted Manor contacted VentnorBlog to find out if we could help them raise the profile of their Mother’s day event.

Advertising with VentnorBlog Works: Enchanted ManorAfter understanding what they wanted to achieve, we recommended a combined package of a sponsored event feature (£40) and a half-size advertising button (special small Island business rate of £29/month).

Within an hour of this going live, they’d received booking for nine people for the Champagne High Tea. A payback way in excess of the cost of advertising.

Ric Hilton at the Enchanted Manor told us after the event that he was really pleased, “People who had seen it on VB, then told other people about it as well, multiplying the audience.”

Google result too
We achieved a great positioning for them on Google search – with the article appearing fourth when searching for Mother’s Day +Wight.

This gave high prominence to the Enchanted Manor for anyone searching for something to do to treat their Mum.

If you want to promote your business, get in touch.