Letter To The Editor: A ‘sickening’ step too far by Medina pupils

We always welcome a Letter to the Editor to share with our readers. This one from Philippe Wines, unhappy with the lack of response from Medina College after witnessing a shocking display by secondary school pupils. Ed

On Thursday, 20 September 2012, at 3.50pm I was driving my car through Newport towards East Cowes and had to stop at a set of traffic lights in Fairlee Road. It was a pleasant sunny afternoon.

Opposite my car, and also stationary, was a blue double-decker bus facing towards Coppins Bridge roundabout and containing schoolchildren. There were two other similar buses further back along the road. From previous sightings I recognised that the buses contained pupils who had just been released from Medina College (previously Medina High School).

Bare bottoms being pressed against the windows
There was a considerable amount of noise and banging on the bus’s windows. I looked across – the lower deck seemed fairly normal.

I looked up at the upper deck and saw a collection of bare bottoms being pressed against the windows.

One boy of about 12 to 14 then dropped his blue and red striped underpants and flashed his genitalia. There were girls on the same deck and they seemed to be convulsed with laughter.

Simulating masturbation
I looked away unbelievingly and glanced at the traffic lights – still on red.

I looked up again at the upper deck of the bus and saw two boys masturbating, or simulating masturbation.

I was a student in the sixties and am pretty broadminded, but this exhibition sickened me.

Broken promises
The lights changed to green and I drove straight into Medina College.

I asked to speak to anyone in authority but no one was available – this only some 10 minutes after the pupils had left mind! I gave the receptionist brief details of what had happened and she asked for my contact details and promised that I would be contacted on Friday morning.

Where is the Head Teacher?
Needless to say, by 7pm on Friday evening, I have had no contact by either phone or email from this school.

I telephoned earlier and was told that the Head would call me back. No call received!

Can others tell me please if I am overreacting to what is now the norm amongst pubescent children on this Island or if I am right to be totally sickened by the culprits and the seemingly ‘couldn’t care less’ attitude of the schools managers?

Image: Tint Printables under CC BY 2.0