The majority of services provided by Isle of Wight NHS Trust are commissioned and funded by Isle of Wight Integrated Care Board, NHS England and Isle of Wight Council.
Below are articles mentioning the Isle of Wight NHS Trust.
Local politicians urge Islanders to take part in the consultation "which begins tomorrow" and to take part in Saturday's march - from the hospital into Newport - fighting to protect health services on the Isle of Wight
The CCG say that the plans will see more complex, urgent care patients transferred for specialist care to the mainland (around 11%) but that those who currently travel to the mainland for routine care should, in future, be able to have that care delivered on the Island.
The IOW Save our NHS Group say we cannot just sit back and allow government policies to dismantle our NHS and hand it on a plate to the likes of Virgin Care. A march takes place on 3rd February from the hospital to Newport centre. All are welcome.
The Local Care Board say the option being recommended would mean that seriously ill patients requiring more complex, urgent specialist treatment would be transferred to the mainland to improve quality of care for patients, but that around 90% of "current hospital activity would be retained on the Island".
Local people share their experiences about the Isle of Wight Accident and Emergency department with Isle of Wight Healthwatch, who share their report and recommendations.
It's not too late to register for your free tickets to see tonight's screening of Peter Bach's fascinating documentary 'Sell Off: the abolition of your NHS'.
After a year of trying to secure funding from IW NHS CCG, Wessex Cancer Trust say they are no longer able to provide the minibus service that gets Isle of Wight cancer patients to and from treatment in Portsmouth. Treatment they have to travel to the Mainland for, because IW NHS doesn't provide it.
An increase in staff sickness, 101 job vacancies, £1m per month spend on agency staff, potentially £26m in the red at the end of the financial year - already in Special Measures for an 'inadequate' leadership, the Isle of Wight NHS Trust is in turmoil.