The majority of services provided by Isle of Wight NHS Trust are commissioned and funded by Isle of Wight Integrated Care Board, NHS England and Isle of Wight Council.
Below are articles mentioning the Isle of Wight NHS Trust.
A recent survey saw a number of Isle of Wight NHS Trust staff members report that bullying is rife within the Trust. The CEO says she's determined to tackle the 'culture of bullying'.
Chief executive of the Isle of Wight NHS Trust, Maggie Oldham, said the trust could not rule out any women on the Island may have had their lives shortened, or died, as a result of the scandal.
The ICU will relocate for three weeks whilst work is carried out to replace the flooring, update the IT infrastructure and redecorate the existing unit.
The Isle of Wight CCG will not be able to invest in any services in the 2018/19 financial year without making £9.4m in savings first. The IW CCG governing body will meet today (Thursday).
Did you have your photo taken over Easter to show your support for the NHS? Christine from IOW Save Our NHS Group shares concerns for future of NHS provision.
Regardless of the political affiliation, all are welcome to attend next week's screening of the documentary, Sell-Off: The Abolition of Your NHS, made by NHS professionals who have many decades of experience.
Local politicians urge Islanders to take part in the consultation "which begins tomorrow" and to take part in Saturday's march - from the hospital into Newport - fighting to protect health services on the Isle of Wight
The CCG say that the plans will see more complex, urgent care patients transferred for specialist care to the mainland (around 11%) but that those who currently travel to the mainland for routine care should, in future, be able to have that care delivered on the Island.
The IOW Save our NHS Group say we cannot just sit back and allow government policies to dismantle our NHS and hand it on a plate to the likes of Virgin Care. A march takes place on 3rd February from the hospital to Newport centre. All are welcome.