The Red Box Project have shared their disappointment that 21 Isle of Wight councillors chose not to support Cllr Lilley's motion without it removing the name of the project. Here's their response.
Pupils from Ryde Academy paid their respects on Friday to those died in the First World War with magnificent poppy displays, poetry, song and reflection.
Ryde Academy's Computer Science Teacher and STEM coordinator, John Nicholson, has just become an SSAT Leadership Fellow as part of an impressive group of future leaders from across the country.
Following his first workshops at the Academy in 2015 and 2017, Layton Williams has returned to work with the cast of Billy Elliot, the school show being performed in December.
The testimony from Joanna Millan will be followed by a question and answer session to help pupils at the school better understand the nature of the Holocaust and to explore its lessons in more depth.
Pupils from Ryde Academy have been working hard over the last month to plan their BBC School report programme which aired on Thursday. Well done to all involved.
The first of three events held at Ryde Academy took place last month to introduce pupils to future options in the world of work. The Academy is working with EBP South to develop a relevant and inspirational programme of careers events for young people.
Pupils from Ryde Academy who researched and spoke about bullying, stereotyping and negative attitudes toward the LGBTQ+ community have been praised by the Speaker of the House of Commons and presented with The Speaker’s Student Council Award.