The aim is to create an accepting, inclusive and educated culture to help reduce the chances of discrimination, and also allow employees to feel welcome, safe and valued
Dr Lawrence has striven to reduce the lower limb amputation rate on the Isle of Wight and we currently have one of the lowest amputation rates in the region
The Trust Boards are exploring how they can plan together to better share expertise, ways of working and resources to improve services for local people
The Community Mental Health Team have been thanked for their hard work, after the CQC inspectors found several improvements in the service following a recent inspection
If you're a parent or carer with experience of the Isle of Wight children and adolescent mental health service, the NHS want to hear your views. Details within
Now along with their IW NHS Trust colleagues, following the St Mary’s Hospital Restart a Heart Day event, their new total number of people who have been taught lifesaving skills is an incredible 3,025
Last winter less than 20% of Islanders over the age of 60 had a flu vaccination. Protect Together campaign is about the responsibility that we all share to protect ourselves, our family and our community, says Chief Nurse
The service has been selected for their work in supporting NHS services on the Island and the unique relationship they have grown with Island schools and the Isle of Wight College
To celebrate Restart a Heart Day this year the Isle of Wight Ambulance Training and Community Response Services are offering the public free CPR training and defibrillator awareness sessions