The Freshwater Parish Council welcomed a packed room of residents at last night's meeting where one parish councillor said they won't let the area lost another school without a fight.
The application for a house at Blythe Way, next to Batts Copse and Sibden Hill nature reserve in Shanklin, was turned down by councillors last year due to the size and scale of the building.
Members of the planning committee debated and voted on plans for the multi-million pound redevelopment of Priory Bay Hotel. The decision came as a surprise to some.
The Isle of Wight NHS Trust CEO, Maggie Oldham, said staff who were not vaccinated could be removed from frontline duties and that other trusts had discussed withholding sick pay if a staff member chose not to have the vaccine, and then caught the flu.
The man who used to pull in £180+k/year while he was setting up the Isle of Wight roads PFI is back being paid by IWC and as well as being paid £95,000 for six months' work to fix the contract, his £750 per month rent is covered by IWC.
As the consultation on the closure of All Saints Primary School begins, Cllr Paul Brading says he's "got to look at the education standards in the West Wight, as well as geographical viability with falling numbers"
Agency staff are being blamed for the 73-year-old man being moved to the wrong care home without any of his medication, including his insulin, or his clothes, without the knowledge of his family.