The former prison site has been unused since 2013 and the council has identified it as part of its regeneration plans with a broad idea to use it as a site for housing, community, commercial and social uses.
The Isle of Wight MP spoke in Parliament yesterday on the issue of Brexit, stating that if it is not delivered they will be in "contempt of the British people".
The MP says he's pleased the operators are taking responsibility for incidents seriously and that they understand passengers’ frustrations and anger over what's happened over last few months.
The Isle of Wight Conservative MP believes the budget strikes the right balance "between rewarding those in work, helping those on universal credit receive more money and support and encouraging independent shops, pubs and restaurants with business rate relief".
Isle of Wight MP, Bob Seely, has asked the Transport Secretary to provide reassurance the Government remains committed to supporting long-overdue improvements on Island Line.
Isle of Wight Conservative MP, Bob Seely, has sent seven questions to the Transport Minister about Isle of Wight ferries, including if they'd support renationalising one of the services.
Bob said he'd been contacted by Isle of Wight constituents who wanted access medicinal cannabis treatment and is pleased they'll now be able to discuss a prescription with their doctors within weeks.
Bob Seely secured a debate on patient transport in Parliament yesterday and asked health minister, Stephen Barclay, to amend the 2003 regulations to extend the existing Isles of Scilly scheme - which sees maximum cost of travel at £5 - to the Island.
A public consultation has opened for two coastal areas off the Isle of Wight to become Marine Conservation Zones. It's proposed the areas become part of 41 ‘blue belt’ sites.