Budget Cuts: Adult & Community Learning To Lose Council Subsidy

Those valuable neighbourhood learning courses are under threat as Adult Community Learning loses subsidy.

Adult & Community Learning To Lose Council SubsidyWe have just seen the full Isle of Wight council cut proposals which have just been outlined in preparation of the December Cabinet Meeting.

Here’s what they say about staff training, workforce development, adult and community learning …

There has been considerable investment by the previous Government on staff development and training through ring-fenced grants for specific purposes (e.g. children’s workforce development).

The majority of these grants will cease as from 31 March 2011. Therefore, the Council needs to rationalise its management and co-ordination of staff training and development to reflect the reduced demand and complexity whilst still retaining its commitment to a well qualified and experienced work force.

This will provide the opportunity to reduce the number of co-ordination posts and reduce the associated venue costs. It is intended to bring together the adult and community learning function together with this workforce development activity and use the one facility as the Council’s main training venue.

This will remove the need for the Council to provide a subsidy to the adult and community learning service as it will become self funding.