Cafe Scientifique Isle of Wight Website Launches

The excellent Cafe Scientifique had its latest meeting last night and as usual, there was a great delivery of interesting information.

Cafe Scientifique SiteProfessor Jane Falkingham, Head of the School of Social Sciences at Southampton University, spoke about the changes in population in the UK and then around the globe (Did you know that the 7th billion living person will be born in November/December this year? or that it’s estimated that 73 billion people have ever been born, since the first person – now, around 7% of those people are alive now?)

Web site launched
The launch of the Cafe Scientifique Website was announced by Pam Ash, so you’ve now got two ways of staying in touch with what’s happening with upcoming meetings.

CafeSci member Chris Wood has been adding content to the site and OnTheWight is supporting Cafe Scientifique by sponsoring their Website.