Capital Receipts Programme: Latest Sell Off Published

The IW Council has published its latest list of properties and land that it owns, that it has decided to sell off over the next three years (see previous coverage).

There are now 42 items on the list, but that includes entries like “Residential Rationalisation” – management speak of the highest order, whose meaning could be innocent or something quite worrying.

Others on the list include a couple of car parks in Newport, New Street Car Park and South Street Car Park.

Oh well, the less fewer car parks there are, the more opportunity to provide people with parking tickets. Bonus!

(Thanks to Viscount Ventnor for correcting my grammar less -> fewer. One I was ignorant of – when to use fewer rather than less. Glad I know now.

Rule: Use fewer to describe countable things. Use less to describe uncountable quantities, collective amounts, and degree. These terms are not interchangeable.)

Take a look through the list and see if anything there grabs your interest. Dig down the back of the sofa for a few quid and it could be yours.

We would try and get the IW council’s side to this, but as we’ve said many times before, the ‘communication’ department have cut off VentnorBlog from the whole council.

They’ve refused to meet with VB and have the meeting recorded. What do Claire Robertson and her ‘communications’ team have to hide?

We can’t work it out, but the democratic process is all the weaker for it.

Image: lostajy