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Fears for loss of school crossing patrols dispelled

Several OnTheWight readers have been in touch since the Isle of Wight council issued their latest budget proposals.

They were concerned about the provision of school crossing patrols (item 47 on Paper B) and the possibility of them being abolished should none of the schools agree to fund the service.

Bacon: “The service will not cease”
This was something OnTheWight specifically asked about in a meeting with council chiefs earlier this week, but leader of the council, Jonathan Bacon, was able to reiterate today,

He said,

“As far as the School Crossing Patrols are concerned, for clarity, it is proposed that the provision of the service will either be funded directly by schools or by external funding, such as sponsorship. The Council will still provide support with road safety and awareness sessions.

“The service will not cease.

“Should funding not be forthcoming any shortfall will be met by the council in 2015/16 from the contingency being set aside for slippage in savings and pump –priming. The position for 2016/17 will then be reviewed.”

Papers the Executive vote on next week will be amended to ensure this is clearer.

Image: chrismar under CC BY 2.0