County Hall and Julia Baker Smith

Island Independents appoint new Group Leader

This week the Island Independents selected a new leader of their group in Cllr Julia Baker-Smith, who represents the ward of Whippingham and Osborne.

Julia has been a key member of the Independent group since it first formed and has gained experience, serving as both the Chairman of several Council committees and on the Executive.

Cllr Baker-Smith said:

“The most immediate challenge will be to hold the ruling group to account on this year’s budget.

“While there are limited options, we know where there are still savings to be made and where our ‘red lines’ are that we believe would be just too damaging.

“We will seek to minimise the effects of further cuts on the most vulnerable people in our community.

“As Independents we remain committed to putting People Before Politics as we work to support our wards and the wider Island.”

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