·1 min read
Children's book by Jon Blake, who Dad used to run Wessex Equipment in Ryde being relaunched and book singing taking place Saturday after next (26th) at Waterstones.
·1 min read
If you haven't made plans for tonight, gather your friends and head to Qua Arts for an evening of comedy.
·1 min read
Experience a stirring narrative of maternal radicalism in 'Apologia' at Apollo Theatre from next week. Book now
·2 min read
The brand has been developed for local organisations to support and enhance their marketing, and will be freely available to use.
·1 min read
Patients that stay in their pyjamas or gowns for longer than they need to can have a higher risk of infection, loss of mobility, fitness and strength which results in them staying in hospital longer, so St Mary's are taking part in a challenge to ‘End PJ Paralysis'.
·3 min read
The International Department at Isle of Wight College is internationally recognised and involved in some excitingly innovative projects. Well done to all involved for this award
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Island MP is keen to ensure that 'interesting' former prison buildings are preserved
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Take your family along to Quay Arts this Saturday to 'make a medal' as part of the Cultural Olympiad
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You could be part of another Guinness World Record but sharing your 2020 portrait with Quay Arts and by donating £1 at the same time help them reach their £20,000 target
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A planning application for seven houses was previously approved, but the applicant is now hoping to build these 'park homes' instead
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View the personal collection of Steve Double at the ‘Full Circle Exhibition Space’, St Mary’s Hospital in Newport.