Amber light

Isle of Wight adult social care remains on Amber status

At last week’s Health and Wellbeing Scrutiny Panel, Cllr Gordon Kendall, Cabinet member for adult social care spoke briefly about the ‘amber’ status for adult social care under the Isle of Wight council.

He explained that the rating remains on Amber as the council are currently behind on carrying out annual reviews and that this was something he and Director of Service, Ian Anderson, were very concerned about.

The annual reviews are vital to ensure that those in receipt of care are receiving the right amount of care they require. He went on to say that extra staff would be contracted to clear the backlog.

Contradictory info on status
Full details of the amber status can be found in the report (embedded below for your convenience) where it explains that,

The risk will always score as amber as while actions that the council takes can reduce the chances of something happening to a vulnerable individual, the impact will always have the potential to be high.

However, looking back through previous papers, we see that in Q2 2011/12, ‘Supporting older and vulnerable residents’ had a status of ‘Green’, which seems to contradict the above information from the latest report (see embedded paper below).

Praise for work with Personal Budgets
Cllr Kendall went on to praise Isle of Wight council staff for their work on the successful implementation of Personal Budgets.

Image: dno1967b under CC BY 2.0