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Image: Jon Tyson under CC BY 2.0

Isle of Wight Compass Group launch: Invitation to join the movement for democratic reform (updated)

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Maggie Nelmes, shares details of this upcoming event, in her own words. Ed

On Tuesday 14th November at 6pm, Luke and Lena from Compass HQ will be joining me and other local progressives for a Zoom meeting to discuss the setting up of an Isle of Wight Compass group, which I, as a member of Compass, have requested.

Will you join us?

What is compass and what are its aims and objectives?
Compass is a leading, non-affiliated national campaign organisation that fights for a more equal, democratic and sustainable society. We welcome supporters of all progressive political parties and none to join forces with us to make a Good Society a reality.

Compass is uniting progressives in the fight for democratic reform. More and more people are realising that our political system is not working for the vast majority of us. At Compass, we want to make proportional representation a reality, and to transform our democracy to meet the needs of the 21st century. We see democratic reform as one key step towards a more equal, democratic and sustainable society – but this is just the start, and we have to fight for it.

Compass is leading the campaign to Win As One – building the foundations for a progressive victory at the next General Election by supporting the election of progressive MPs committed to proportional representation and deeper democratic reform.

Will you be a part of the change?
Compass has local groups across the country, working to raise awareness of our progressive movement and collaborating to build a truly representative and forward-looking democracy, from the grassroots up.

I think the Island needs a local group of its own. Will you join us?

Will you be part of the change?

Our meeting agenda
Together, we will:

  • Discuss what Compass HQ is doing to support a growing national network of Compass local groups
  • Consider which issues are important for the Isle of Wight
  • Come up with ways for local progressives to work together, through sharing ideas and fostering connections
  • Plan some ways that we can bring Compass’ Win as One campaign to the Isle of Wight

Together, we can achieve a path forward, bringing individuals like yourself into the group and starting to organise on an agreed platform. We look forward to seeing you there.

How to take part
To receive details on how to join the Zoom call at 6pm on Tuesday 14th November, please complete the registration details here or get in touch with Luke on [email protected].

Article edit
8.45am 8th Nov 2023 – October amended to November