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Isle of Wight MP slammed for voting to keep NHS on table for US companies to buy

News shared by Julian Critchley on behalf of Island Labour, in his own words. Ed

Yesterday (Wednesday), the Isle of Wight Conservative MP, Robert Seely, voted against Labour’s motion to protect the NHS from being sold off as part of any future trade deal with the USA.

The entire Conservative Party voted to keep the NHS on the table for US companies to buy, and the entire Liberal Democrat Party abstained, refusing to support Labour’s motion.

IW NHS in severe difficulties
The NHS on the Isle of Wight is in severe difficulties. Tory cuts have seen hospital services moved to the mainland, causing significant cost to patients and their families. GP surgeries are closing down.

NHS dentistry is increasingly difficult to obtain on the island. Everywhere, our NHS services have been cut by the Tories.

Protecting the interests of the money men
In Island Labour’s view Mr Seely has, through his vote last night, demonstrated that his primary goal is not to protect the interests of his constituents, but to protect the interests of the money men behind the Conservative Party, and the private vulture capitalists just waiting for the Tories to sell them our NHS at knock-down prices.

Critchley: Our NHS, public services and society are at stake
Island Labour Chair, Julian Critchley, said:

“By now, there isn’t a single Islander who isn’t aware that when Bob Seely tells us how concerned he is about an issue hurting the Island’s population, we should quickly check his voting record in order to see his true stance.

“Here is yet another example. Bob likes to pose as a man who cares about the NHS on the Island. Yet we’ve already seen how his previous announcements about funding turned out to be smoke and mirrors. We saw him and local Tories issue outraged denials when Island Labour revealed last year the Tory plans to move key St Mary’s services off the Island, only to later see that was exactly what they planned.

“And now, we see Mr Seely voting against a motion which would have protected our NHS from being sold off to Trump and his friends in a post-Brexit fire-sale, while the ridiculous LibDems stand aside and let the Tories do their work, as always.

“The Tories will try to pitch the coming election as being about nothing but Brexit. They don’t want us to think about the NHS, our schools, our falling living standards and our increasingly difficult, insecure lives. It is vital we don’t let them. Mr Seely’s vote last night shows us all exactly what is at stake – our NHS, our public services, and our society.”

Image: Trades Union Congress under CC BY 2.0