Letter to the Editor: Latest Assault On Our Libraries

We’re always happy to receive a ‘Letter to the Editor’ to share with our large online readership. If you have something you want to share, get in touch. Ed

From: Sue Morgan, Ventnor
We have just learnt from IoWCC HQ that the links which local libraries have with their communities are to be seriously undermined, as the staffing is to become more peripatetic.

There will be no “Ventnor team” as such.

I am sure that all Ventnor Library users will be upset to learn that we are to lose our wonderful library staff, although they may still have a role within the service.

How does this fit with promotion of localism?
This seems particularly surprising given this Government’s supposed aim of promoting localism and community. The proposed diminution of personal service fits in well with the “supermarket” model of libraries originally promoted by the IoW CC with their Libraries “Extra” and Libraries “Local”.

Altogether, with the closure of five libraries (as administered by the IoW CC), the reduced opening hours of a further four libraries and the loss of staff designated to a particular library, we are heading towards a very diminished library service for the citizens of the Isle of Wight.

If you have something you want to share, get in touch.

Image: Atiqah Aekman W under CC BY 2.0