Letter: Where have all the teachers gone? NEU brings attention to education crisis

News OnTheWight always welcomes a Letter to the Editor to share with our readers – unsurprisingly they don’t always reflect the views of this publication. If you have something you’d like to share, get in touch and of course, your considered comments are welcome below.

This from Peter Shreeve, Assistant District Secretary of the National Education Union on the Isle of Wight. Ed

On strike day this week Isle of Wight NEU members joined in a song, loosely based on Pete Seeger’s “Where have all the flowers gone?”

Text was adapted myself and I led the singing with support from the rest of the district and attending audience.

Where have all the teachers gone? 
Re-imagined by Assistant District Secretary of the National Education Union on the isle of Wight, Peter Shreeve, based on Pete Seeger’s 1955 song 

Where have all the teachers gone?
gone over many years
Where have all the teachers gone?
They don’t last 5 years
Where have all the teachers gone?
Workload drained them every one
Will government ever learn?    (x2)

Where have all the newbies gone?
Better jobs and better pay
Where have all the young staff gone?
Less stress with bonus pay
Where have all the new staff gone?
They’ve taken new jobs every one
Will government ever learn? (x2)

Where have all the oldies gone?
Cost too much and forced to quit
Where have all the old staff gone?
Wisdom doesn’t pay
Where have all the experts gone?
Forced retirement every one
Out to graze and shown the door
Not valued anymore

You can watch below by clicking on the play button (the white arrow in centre of the screen)