Queen Elizabeth Maiden Voyage: The Videos

We weren’t able to make it to the Maiden Voyage of the Queen Elizabeth last night (as we were providing live coverage of the IWC Cabinet meeting).

Queen Elizabeth Maiden Voyage: The VideosIf like us you missed it, we thought we’d collect a few videos for you to experience it. We’ve put them in the same order as they were shot.

The first (below) was taken from the deck of the Red Eagle (the service that Red Funnel put on). Given how close the ship got to the QE, we’d have thought that those who were on board the Red Eagle would have been pretty pleased with the uninterrupted views it afforded.

Here’s one shot from Calshot -amazing to see the size of Her when compared to not-insubstantial buildings

On the next leg of the journey, the one below, was shot from Castle Point at East Cowes

If you haven’t got much patience, or want a quick sample of how it all happened, with the little craft bobbing around it, have a view of the one below, which has been sped up ten times.

Image: A capture from lunaticg‘s video