
All welcome to Salvation Army spring celebration and community meal

Thanks to Salvation Army Corps Officer, Lieutenant Lillian Bean, for this Community update. Ed

A warm welcome was experienced by many Islanders on Christmas Day at The Salvation Army on the Isle of Wight.

Christmas seems a long time away, but we would like to show that kindness lasts all year round, not just at Christmas.

Spring celebration meal
So The Salvation Army on the Isle of Wight are extending their hospitality and are putting on a Spring Celebration and Community Meal on 29th March at their hall in Pyle Street, Newport, at 1:15pm.

Due to a generous donation they are able to provide, free of charge, a hot, sit-down, two-course meal, followed by some light entertainment.

Old and new friends welcome
Anyone who attended the Christmas meal are welcome, as well as any “new folk” who would like to come – the idea is to get the community together just to share some time and friendship.

Prior to the meal there will be a Christian Worship Service commencing at 10.30am, which everyone is welcome to attend weather they are coming for the meal or not, and the Salvation Army Band will play in St. James’s Square at 12 o’clock to help get the community in the mood for celebrating!

Image: jamesrbowe under CC BY 2.0