Still time to take part in Summer Reading Challenge

Thanks to Alpha, the youngest member (11 years old) of the VB team for this reminder to young people about the Summer Reading Challenge. In her own words, Ed

The chart and bookmark:Every year libraries across the country take part in the Summer Reading Challenge.

It runs over the summer holidays and encourages children to continue reading whilst off school.

Each year brings a different theme, so the children don’t get bored, and this year it is called ‘Story Lab’.

How it works
When you first join, you receive a membership pack, including a bookmark and sticker chart.

You borrow two books at a time, read them and then when you take them back you are given a set of stickers which you add to the sticker chart.

The more books you read, the more stickers you receive and by the end, your sticker chart is complete. For every two books you finish you are given a little prize, such as a keyring or a jelly bracelet.

Deadline 8th September
When you have completed your reading challenge, you are given your final set of stickers, a certificate and a gold medal, but if your child hasn’t finished yet, they have until the 8th September.

Image: © Alpha Perry